So what is the “Code [1-3]” all about and where is Part 4 of the series that you might expect?
Before I go ahead with Part 4 I thought it would be a good idea to sum up Part 1 to Part 3 with code (So that you know how we figured out all this stuff while we was coding on ESEDump) – Note: This most may be targeted for the developer audience more than the general Active Directory administrator.
Disclaimer: The code samples provided here is code snippets that doesn’t represent any code actual code from the DSA and or any other Microsoft products and technologies, nor those they represent the complete source of ESEDump
ESEHelper – A managed ESE wrapper around the ESE APIs
We decided that we wanted to work with ESE in C# (and when we first started this project EseManaged from codeplex wasn’t around) and even if we could have used it later on – I guess we wanted full control and decided to stick with our own wrapper. So when you see references to “EseHelper” in the code snippets below – you know it’s just a wrapper around: Extensible Storage Engine Native APIs – there is no secrets around this J
JET_RETRIVECOLUMN structure custom methods
We extended the JET_RETRIVECOLUMN structure with some additional methods to retrieve data.
Table 0: JET_RETRIVECOLUMN structure
Code Snippet |
// The custom methods in JET_RETRIEVECOLUMN allow us to quickly// interpret each column’s data depending on its data type (string, integer, etc.)
internal { public public IntPtr pvData; // Pointer to the data block in memory public public public // Offset to the first byte to be retrieved from a column of type // JET_coltypLongBinary or JET_coltypLongText public // Number of values in a multi-valued column // Can be used to retrive a specific value public // The columnid of the tagged, multi-valued, or sparse column // when all tagged columns are retrieved by passing 0 // as the columnid to JetRetrieveColumn.” public public public { this.Initialize(att.ID, 0); } public { // Initialize with a data block of cbData size this.Initialize(att.ID, cbData); } public { // Initialize with an empty data block this.Initialize(columnid, 0); } public { // Reset the fields this.cbActual = 0; this.cbData = 0; this.err = 0; // Make sure to free any previously used memory in this instance if (this.pvData != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(this.pvData); this.pvData = IntPtr.Zero; } this.columnid = columnid; this.itagSequence = 1; // Allocate a new memory block if necessary (if > 0 bytes requested) this.cbData = cbData; if (this.cbData > 0) this.pvData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(this.cbData); } // Copies the current memory block into a byte array public { byte[] output = new Marshal.Copy(this.pvData, output, 0, output.Length); return output; } // Interpret the inner data as a GUID public Guid GetGuid() { IntPtr pGuid = this.pvData; byte[] bGuid = new Marshal.Copy(pGuid, bGuid, 0, bGuid.Length); return } // Interpret the inner data as a string (automatically checks ASCII or Unicode encoding) public { byte[] data = this.GetData(); if (IsUnicode(data)) return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(data, 0, data.Length); else return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, data.Length); } // Interpret the inner data as a 32-bit integer public { return BitConverter.ToInt32(this.GetData(), 0); } // Interpret the inner data as a 64-bit integer public { return BitConverter.ToInt64(this.GetData(), 0); } // Interpret the inner data as a boolean (true/false) public { return Marshal.ReadByte(this.pvData) == 1 ? true : false; } // Determines if a string in a data block is of Unicode or ASCII encoding // TODO: International 2-byte characters unsupported? private { bool isUnicode = false; // Unicode strings’ data always have an even number of bytes if (data.Length % 2 == 0) for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += 2) if (data[i + 1] == ‘\0’) isUnicode |= true; return isUnicode; } } // ColumnInfo stores column metadata (ID, type, table owner) // Used when retrieving JET columns internal { public public public public public public IntPtr TableId; // added for table support in caching public ColumnInfo(int id, string name, int type, string altname, int altid, IntPtr tableid) { this.ID = id; this.Name = name; this.DataType = type; this.AltName = altname; //added for attribute name this.AltId = altid; this.TableId = tableid; //added for table support in caching } } |
Perform Initialization and Attach to NTDS.dit
First thing we had to figure out was how we attached to the database (NTDS.dit) using JetInit, JetBeginSession, JetAttachDatabase and finally calling JetOpenDatabase in addition to those callas we had to set several parameters with JetSetSystemParameter for our usage, e.g there is things that need to be turned off as we attach/open the DB as read-only due to the nature of our application.
Table 1: ESE Initialization
Code Snippet |
// E.Check makes sure a JET API call is successful, i.e. JET_errSuccess (0)// If the call fails, we throw an exception/write to the Console
// Initialize ESENT. Setting JetInit will inspect the logfiles to see if the last // shutdown was clean. If it wasn’t (e.g. the application crashed) recovery will be // run automatically bringing the database to a consistent state. err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetSetSystemParameter(ref instance, EseHelper.JET_sesidNil, new err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetCreateInstance(out instance, “instance”)); // Set up the recovery option (off), the maximum number temporary tables (7) and temporary path err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetSetSystemParameter(ref instance, EseHelper.JET_sesidNil, new err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetSetSystemParameter(ref instance, EseHelper.JET_sesidNil, new err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetSetSystemParameter(ref instance, EseHelper.JET_sesidNil, new err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetSetSystemParameter(ref instance, EseHelper.JET_sesidNil, new err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetSetSystemParameter(ref instance, EseHelper.JET_sesidNil, new // Initialize ESE and begin a session err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetInit(ref instance)); err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetBeginSession(instance, out sesid, null, null)); // Attach a database err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetAttachDatabase(sesid, “NTDS.dit”, 1)); err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetOpenDatabase(sesid, “NTDS.dit”, null, out dbid, 1)); |
List the tables inside NTDS.dit
We figured out that by statically opening the “MSysObjects” and positioning over the “RootObjects” index we could enumerate the tables inside the database using the following code snippet.
Table 2: ESE Enumerate tables inside the database
Code Snippet |
// Simplified:// Method to obtain a list of tables for a given JET database
private { IntPtr tableid = IntPtr.Zero; List<string> tables = new List<string>(); // E.Check makes sure a JET API call is successful, i.e. JET_errSuccess (0) // If the call fails, we throw an exception/write to the Console err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, “MSysObjects”, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, out tableid)); // Select the first row in the RootObjects record set err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, tableid, “RootObjects”)); err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetMove(sesid, tableid, EseHelper.JET_MoveFirst, 0)); // Allocate a column array of one element — we only need the name column EseHelper.JET_RETRIEVECOLUMN[] array = new EseHelper.JET_RETRIEVECOLUMN[1]; // Loop until we reach the end of the record set or an error occurs while (err == 0) { // Allocate 0x41 bytes for this column’s value // 0x80 is the column ID (table name) array[0].Initialize(0x80, 0x41); err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetRetrieveColumns(sesid, tableid, Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(array, 0), array.Length)); foreach (EseHelper.JET_RETRIEVECOLUMN column in array) { if (column.cbData != 0x04) { string table = column.GetString(); // Print out the table Console.WriteLine(table); } } // Select the next record (table info row) err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetMove(sesid, tableid, EseHelper.JET_MoveNext, 0)); } // Clean up err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetCloseTable(sesid, tableid)); Console.WriteLine(); } |
Retrieving the Ancestors_col
In Part 3, we’re discussing the usage of the “Ancestors_col” column and how it’s used to walk subtrees in the database, the DNTs are stored as bytes within the “Acenstors_col” and are read as in the code snippet below.
Table 3: Ancestors_col
Code Snippet |
if (column.err != EseErrors.ColumnNull) {
ancestory = ancestory + dnt + “,”; }
ancestory = ancestory.TrimEnd(ancestor_separator); output = ancestory; } |
Reading an object’s full distinguished name
Note: This is our way to read an objects full distinguished name, given an object’s DNT (Distinguished Name Tag) – But this is not considered safe by the DSA as mentioned in Part 3 as the “Ancestors_col” is being processed by a background task and might not be in-sync all the times. (Safer would be to walk the tree up – by each PDNT until PDNT == 2)
Table 4: Get an objects distinguished name by its DNT
Code Snippet |
internal static string DBGetDN(IntPtr sesid, IntPtr tableid, int tag, ref EseErrors err) { // 0 (zero) means where already positioned at the obejct. if (tag != 0) DBFindDNT(sesid, tableid, tag, ref err);
List<string> DN = new
EseHelper.JET_RETRIEVECOLUMN[] Ancestors = new
Ancestors[0].Initialize(attid.GetByDisplayName(“Ancestors_col”, tableid), 256 * 6);
err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetRetrieveColumns(sesid, tableid, Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(Ancestors, 0), Ancestors.Length));
// Ensure the “Ancestors_col” exist and contains data. if (Ancestors[0].err != EseErrors.ColumnNull) {
DBFindDNT(sesid, tableid, dnt, ref err);
attrList[0].Initialize(attid.GetByDisplayName(“RDNtyp_col”, tableid), 256 * 24); attrList[1].Initialize(attid.GetByDisplayName(“name”, tableid), 256 * 24);
err = E.Check(EseHelper.JetRetrieveColumns(sesid, tableid, Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(attrList, 0), attrList.Length));
DN.Add(RDNType + “=” + Name); } } } DN.Reverse();
} return } |
Table 5: Get an objects distinguished name (object is referenced by sAMAccountName: ADCH)
ESEDump |
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