Preparing for Microsoft TechDays 2010

So it’s been almost a year since I posted to the blog. (Lots of things has happened since then, I will try to catch up with the most interesting things that I think is worth sharing) It’s early in the morning and I have spent the entire night playing with Direct Access, Network Access Protection and Server/Domain Isolation in combination. I will speak at Microsoft TechDays (In Örebro) next week. Having one session together with Danwei Tran, Evangelist at Microsoft and also a very good friend of mine, the concept of the session is to drilldown into the topic “How to take advantage of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 today” most sessions I’ve seen on Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 speaks about new technology and features, how cool it is and how easy it is to implement, without taking the existing legacy environment in concern, it’s like who? Doesn’t everyone flatten there environment and rebuild it with the latest bits as soon it gets released from Microsoft.

Back to our reality, we’re going to be stuck with previous releases for about another decade. So how do we integrate and take advantage of technology released within Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 today? The session covers: – How to benefit from BitLocker Drive-Encryption enhancements in Windows 7, without touching your server infrastructure. – How Authentication Assurance leverages security (even to your down-level clients) by only upgrading your domain controllers to Windows Server 2008 R2. – How to integrate my existing deployments of NAP, DI/SI with Direct Access in Windows 7 and Window Server 2008 R2 and why should I? If this sounds interesting look for the session: Take advantage of Windows 7 & Windows Server 2008 R2

For those who looking forward to hear me speak about AD again, I’m sorry I don’t do any sessions on AD this year at TechDays but of course I will be around to discuss AD as much you want, you probably find me where you find the bar J



Stanimir Stoyanov awarded Microsoft MVP in C#

Stanimir Stoyanov has been awarded the Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) title in Visual C#, Stanimir Stoyanov is a programmer, Software beta tester, and Windows enthusiast and also a very good friend of mine, he has been helping out in the development of the Fine Grain Password Policy Tool and other upcoming tools. Congratulations Stanimir you have made a great contribution to the community. Read more about him at his blog here

It’s been Windows 7 Summit, Visit to Redmond and Microsoft TechDays

It’s been a very busy month, I’ve been traveling a lot and been speaking at a few different seminars and conferences. First of was the Windows 7 Summit held here in Sweden by ourselves TrueSec,


Windows 7 Summit

I did two sessions together with Mikael Nyström, first session was an introduction to the Windows 7 Client, covering some UI changes and the approach Microsoft has taken with Multi-Touch and the other was about new technologies and features in Windows Server 2008 R2, it was a great time and I had lots of fun on the stage, I’m sorry that I misspelled my own sisters name during the Recycle-Bin demo J


Microsoft decided to record the sessions, so if anyone is interested to see the sessions (In Swedish), here you go!


An introduction to the Windows 7 Client.


New Technologies and Features in Windows Server 2008 R2


Directly after the Windows 7 summit it was time to fly over to Seattle/Redmond for the Microsoft MVP Summit. A big thanks to the entire Directory Service Team at Microsoft for the amazing week we had in Redmond at the Microsoft Campus working with them, and all other DS MVPs that attended the Microsoft MVP Summit, also thanks to my friend Eddy for inviting me to his new house, you got a nice place J


Microsoft TechDays in Västerås

At Microsoft TechDays in Västerås (Sweden) I attended as a speaker and presented on how to Incorporate RODCs (Read Only Domain Controllers) to your existing Active Directory, this was a 400 level sessions where I decided to give a deep-dive on how RODCs really works (and doesn’t work) in detail and how it effects an already existing Active Directory and related components. Unfortunately time didn’t allow me to show the FAS (Filter Attribute Set) Demo, I’m sorry for that, but I’m planning a detail article on FAS works, the basic idea is that you can flag attributes with sensitive/confidential information to never replicate to RODCs, in case of an RODC compromise, this information isn’t reveled.


You can download the slide deck from the session here:


I’ve got many questions about RODCs and DNS after my sessions, I’ve blogged about that topic a while ago, you can find the article here: How Read-Only Domain Controllers and DNS works.


Thanks to Microsoft for putting together the TechDays Conference, this was the first time the concept of “TechDays” where used in Sweden, the idea is to have a sort of local TechED event, and I must said everything did work very well, hopefully there will be a TechDays next year as well.

The real Enterprise Read-Only Domain Controllers group [498]

It’s been yet another sleepless night working, actually I have a lot of stuff going on right now, I guess I don’t will feel too well when this week is over, anyway some interesting facts about the Enterprise Read-Only Domain Controllers group (Yes the _real_ one this time, with RID 498 that’s not an FSP), have you ever look thru the members of that group? Why would you ever do that, isn’t it obvious that it’s going to contain the RODC accounts in the enterprise? Nope, in fact it won’t, it will always be empty J

So how does this really work? Adprep /rodcprep stamps each NC head with an ACE (in order to allow RODCs replicate changes from the NC), NDNCs are stamped with an ACE for the Read-Only Enterprise Domain Controllers group (Note that the group doesn’t exist at this stage, but always has a well-known RID of 498, so that’s how adprep dose it)

But won’t replication of NDNCs fail as Enterprise Read-Only Domain Controllers is granted extended-right Replicate Changes but the group is empty? Nope RODCs will always include the RID 498 in its token J

So what do we really need the group for? It’s there for display purposes, so you don’t have to see something like (Unknown Account) if you look at the ACL.


I was working late tonight to finish my session “Incorporate RODCs (Read Only Domain Controllers) to your existing Active Directory” that I’m going to present at Microsoft TechDays 17-18 mars in Västerås. If you’re interested in a deep dive session (level 400+) about Read-Only Domain Controllers, then my session is for you, read more at:

However, I was about to reproduce a bug that we have found with “adprep /rodcprep” to include it in the session, and how to correct and avoid it to happen, when I was reviewing the security of my NCs I noticed a strange group: NT AUTHORITYENTERPRISE READ-ONLY DOMAIN CONTROLLERS BETA. It’s a part of the NT AUTHORITY and my guess is that this group was introduced in my forest in the early days of Longhorn Server when there was still a requirement to have the PDC running Longhorn Server in order to incorporate RODCs to your forest. Now days (Post Beta 3) Enterprise Read-Only Domain Controllers and Read-Only Domain Controllers (Domain specific) is created in your domain using a trigger that happens on the promotion of the first RODC or the first Pre-Stage of an RODC.


How Read Only Domain Controllers and DNS works

I was recently asked by a friend of mine how Read-Only Domain Controllers (RODCs) works with DNS, since they can host DNS for Active Directory, so I think it was a good idea with a blog post on how it really works. First of all Windows Server 2008 bring new capabilities to both Active Directory and DNS and many of them are related.

Read-Only Domain Controllers (RODCs) and the Primary Read-Only Zone

When you promote a Read-Only Domain Controller (RODC) and also select it to be a DNS server, it will perform inbound replication of the DNS Zones (Either stored in the applications or domain NCs) as any Writeable Domain Controller. But if you’re familiar with RODC basics you know they never perform outbound replication and the database is mostly read-only (including the DNS records), Windows Server 2008 DNS Introduce a new zone type called the Primary Read-Only Zone. The Administrator of RODC can view contents of DNS but will unable to change it from a RODC.

Read-Only Domain Controllers (RODCs) are not pointing the SOA to them self unlike Writable Domain Controllers

Writable Domain Controllers are always pointing the SOA to them self, because they all host writable copies of Active Directory-Integrated Zones, How ever RODCs doesn’t host writable copies of those and therefore points the SOA to an Writable Domain Controller using the following SOA selection model.

  1. Trying to select a writable domain controller that is running Windows Server 2008 and is published as a NS for the zone
  2. If there are no Windows Server 2008 writable domain controllers that publish a NS for the zone a randomly domain controller will be picked from the NS list.

    Note: The current SOA target DC is maintained separately for each zone and re-selected every 20 minutes (not configurable). The selection algorithm contains a random component to try to spread load between writable domain controllers.

[2] Needs a clarification to another difference, RODCs doesn’t register NS records, so it makes [2] safe from picking any RODC.

DNS Updates for clients having a Read-Only Domain Controller (RODC) as preferred DNS server

When a client attempts a dynamic update, it sends SOA query to its preferred DNS server. Typically, clients are configured to use the DNS server in their branch site as their preferred DNS server. The RODC should read its SOA record and at best effort return a writable Windows Server 2008 domain controller to the client (Using the SOA selection model above), the RODC waits a certain amount of time, as explained below, and then it attempts to replicate the updated DNS record object in Active Directory from the DNS server that it referred the client to through an RSO operation back to the RODC, an RSO operation is an operational attribute named replicateSingleObject that has existed in Active Directory since Windows 2000 and allows replication of a single object by using a LDAP modify operation of the replicateSingleObject attribute, However the replicateSingleObject has been updated in Windows Server 2008 to support replication of secrets to RODCs, More information about the attribute and it’s syntax can be found here:

How Read-Only Domain Controllers perform RSO operations of DNS record updates

For the DNS server on the RODC to perform an RSO operation of the DNS record update, a DNS server that runs Windows Server 2008 must host writeable copies of the zone that contains the record. That Windows Server 2008 DNS server must register a name server (NS) resource record for the zone, with other words [1] must be used in the SOA selection model above.

The Windows Server 2003 Branch Office Guide recommended restricting name server (NS) record registration to a subset of the available DNS servers. If you followed those guidelines and you do not register at least one writable Windows Server 2008 DNS server as a name server for the zone, the DNS server on the RODC attempts to perform the RSO operation with a DNS server that runs Windows Server 2003 using [2] in the SOA selection model. That operation fails and generates a 4015 Error in the DNS event log of the RODC, and replication of the DNS record update will be delayed until the next scheduled replication cycle and RSO operation cannot be made by the RODC DNS against a Windows Server 2003 Domain Controller.

More specifically how the RSO operation really works, the SOA query triggers the DNS server on the RODC to put an entry in remotePollList, which is an internal queue on each DNS server. The entry includes the following:

  • The object to be replicated
  • The source domain controller to replicate from
  • A time stamp

The time stamp is set to a time in the future that is equal to the current time plus a replication delay. The replication delay is controlled by a registry setting named DsRemoteReplicationDelay. By default, the value of this setting is 30 seconds.

The internal queue (remotePollList) is processed at regular intervals. The queue-processing interval is controlled by a registry setting named DSPollingInterval. By default, the value of the interval is three minutes.

When the DNS server processes the queue, it attempts to replicate only objects whose time stamp is less than current time. Therefore, the delay between the time that the RODC refers the client to an authoritative DNS server and then attempts to replicate in is determined by the following:

  • The next time that the DNS server processes the queue
  • Whether the remote replication delay that is set on the entry in the queue has elapsed

If you use the default values for the registry settings, the amount of time before the RODC attempts to replicate the DNS update is a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 210 seconds.

You can modify the values of these registry settings to reduce the amount of time before the RODC attempts to replicate the DNS update. The minimum value for the DsRemoteReplicationDelay setting is 5 seconds. The minimum value for the DSPollingInterval setting is 30 seconds. If you use the minimum values, the amount of time before the RODC attempts to replicate the DNS update is a minimum of 5 seconds and a maximum of 35 seconds.

Note: Max number of RSO requests per 5 minutes cycle is 300 to prevent Denial of Service attacks

Note: DsPollingInterval controls all Active Directory polling, not just RODC RSO handling. If you change this value, be aware that this change will affect more than just RODC RSO operations. For example, this setting will affect how often the DNS server polls Active Directory for new or updated resource records or DNS zones.

The following table lists some additional registry entries that are related to the RSO operations that are performed for DNS updates on an RODC. These registry entries are stored in the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesDNSParameters

Registry entry Minimum value Maximum value Default value
EnableRSOForRODC Either True or False   True
MaximumRodcRsoQueueLength 1 1000000 300
MaximumRodcRsoAttemptsPerCycle 1 1000000 100
DsRemoteReplicationDelay 5 3600 30


To modify any of the registry entries that are related to the RSO operations for DNS updates on an RODC, use the Dnscmd.exe command-line tool to set the appropriate parameter.
Example: “dnscmd <server>.<domain>.<com> /Config /DsRemoteReplicationDelay 10”

I think that’s all I can think of for now.

Fine Grain Password Policy Tool 1.0 (2300.0) RTM

Build: FGPP RTM_2300-20081223.0
Branch: FGPP-RTM-branch.
Usage: Production Usage.


General Information


This build is the final RTM build of the Fine Grain Password Policy Tool. (FGPP RTM_2300-20081223.0) For full release notes see the document “Release notes for Fine Grain Password Policy Tool” included in the package, as well to be released on the website later today, other documentation available with this release are.


·         Quick Start Guide for Fine Grain Password Policy Tool


·         Windows PowerShell Usage for Fine Grain Password Policy Tool


·         Password Policy Samples for Fine Grain Password Policy Tool



Stanimir Stoyanov,
for providing the incredible support and your ideas while this piece of software was being written. Especially for the work that was done with the Native Methods. Please have a look at this blog for other projects he has been released


Björn Österman, t
hanks for your help and support with the initial design of the Password Policy class.


TrueSec Team
, thanks for providing support while this piece of software was being written.


Overview of Fine Grain Password Policies in Windows Server 2008:



Download Fine Grain Password Policy Tool (x86) 1.0.

Download Fine Grain Password Policy Tool (x64) 1.0.


Quick Start Guide.


System Requirements

Fine Grain Password Policy Tool 1.0 are “Supported” on the following platforms


·         Windows Server 2008

·         Windows Server 2008 R2

·         Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 or later

·         Windows 7

·         Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 or later and Windows Server 2003 R2

·         Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later

Before installing this build, you must have:

Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Vista, Windows 7

·         Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Domain.

·         Windows PowerShell installed (for command-line and scripting support)

Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP

·         Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.

·         Microsoft Management Console 3.0

·         Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Domain.

·         Windows PowerShell installed (for command-line and scripting support)

Usage information:

Fine Grain Password Policy Tool Core PowerShell Samples.

FGPP RTM supports the following PowerShell Commands.

Create new Password Policies

New-PasswordPolicy <Name> [-domain <FQDNDomainName>] >] [–server <DCFQDN>] -MaximumPasswordAge <timespan> -MinimumPasswordAge <timespan> -MinimumPasswordLength <PassswordMinLenght> -PasswordComplexityEnabled <$True/$False> -PasswordReversibleEncryptionEnabled <$True/$False> -PasswordSettingsPrecendence <PrecendenceOrder> -PasswordHistoryLength <NumberOfPasswords> -LockoutDuration <timespan> -LockoutObservationWindow <timespan> -LockoutThreshold <int> -AppliesTo *SupportedNameFormats


Modify existing Password Policies
Modify-PasswordPolicy <name> [-domain <FQDNDomainName>] >] [–server <DCFQDN>] [-MaximumPasswordAge <timespan>] [-MinimumPasswordAge <timespan>] [-MinimumPasswordLength <PassswordMinLenght>] [-PasswordComplexityEnabled <$True/$False>] [-PasswordReversibleEncryptionEnabled <$True/$False>] [-PasswordSettingsPrecendence <PrecendenceOrder>] [-PasswordHistoryLength <NumberOfPasswords>] [-LockoutDuration <timespan>] [-LockoutObservationWindow <timespan>] [-LockoutThreshold <int>] -AppliesToAdd *SupportedNameFormats -AppliesToRemove *SupportedNameFormats


Delete Password Policies
Delete-PasswordPolicy <name> [-domain <FQDNDomainName>] [–server <DCFQDN>] [-all]


Reame Password Policies
Rename-PasswordPolicy <name> [-domain <FQDNDomainName>] -NewName <name>


Add users and global groups to an existing Password Policy
Add-PasswordPolicy -Name <name> [-domain <FQDNDomainName>] [–server <DCFQDN>] -AppliesTo *SupportedNameFormats

Remove users and global groups to an existing Password Policy
Remove-PasswordPolicy -Name <name> [-domain <FQDNDomainName>] [–server <DCFQDN>] -AppliesTo *SupportedNameFormats [-all]


Get the Effective PasswordPolicy for one or more users objects

Get-PasswordPolicyEffective <name> [-domain <FQDNDomainName>] [–server <DCFQDN>]

Export Password Policies

Export-PasswordPolicy <name> <path> [-domain <FQDNDomainName>] [–server <DCFQDN>]

Import Password Policies

Import-PasswordPolicy <name> <path> [-domain <FQDNDomainName>] [–server <DCFQDN>]


*SupportedNameFormats: [DomainUserN, “First LastName”, {4fa050f0-f561-11cf-bdd9-00aa003a77b6}, name,, S-1-5-21-397955417-626881126-188441444-501]

Fine Grain Password Policy Tool Additional PowerShell Samples.


How to use the Get-PasswordPolicy and New-PasswordPolicy to copy an existing PasswordPolicy


Note: Any parameter can be used with New-PasswordPolicy override settings from the existing policy.


Get-PasswordPolicy <name> [-domain <FQDNDomainName>] | New-PasswordPolicy <Name> [-domain <FQDNDomainName>] [-MaximumPasswordAge <timespan>] [-MinimumPasswordAge <timespan>] [-MinimumPasswordLength <PassswordMinLenght>] [-PasswordComplexityEnabled <$True/$False>] [-PasswordReversibleEncryptionEnabled <$True/$False>] [-PasswordSettingsPrecendence <PrecendenceOrder>] [-PasswordHistoryLength <NumberOfPasswords>] [-LockoutDuration <timespan>] [-LockoutObservationWindow <timespan>] [-LockoutThreshold <int> -AppliesTo * SupportedNameFormats]




How to check policy compliance for linked users for a one or more Password Policies

foreach ($Policy in Get-PasswordPolicy [<Name>]) { foreach ($Applied in $Policy.AppliesTo) { Get-PasswordPolicyEffective $Applied } }